Saturday, April 09, 2005

South Carolina!

SC is absolutely gorgeous in April!! All of the dogwood trees are blooming and the weather is not so hot that you can't enjoy it. The weather has mostly been co-operating but there was a MAJOR thunderstorm yesterday. Sarah and I were driving home from Wal-mart, well...trying to race the storm home, when it started raining - hard. Visibility went from clear, to 'turn the headlights and windshield wipers on' in about 10 seconds! It was thunder and lightning, and then it started to hail.
Sarah called Ben (husband not bro.) to let him know that we were on our way. She was on the cel-phone when lightning struck it seamed right on top of the car! Something must have blown because she lost the phone connection. Sarah had not put the umbrella in the car before we left (not that we would have used it anyway) so we got a soaking on our way into the house. It was really awesome! A bit later we found out that the storm had also fried Ben's computer modem.

We did survive this though and we all stayed up till about 11:30 playing Rook. Actually we played a couple of games because Ben and Ben decided we needed to start over. Their score was one of them barely over 100 the other was barely out of the red! Sarah and I were both over 700. The new game didn't make much difference though, when we quit for the night they weren't to far from the hole and Sarah quite a ways in the lead!

Sarah and I did get to shop at the not too far away out-let mall. We were there for about 4 hours! We had the kiddies with us and had allot of fun!

BTW: I am writing this to make y'all jealous especially my little sister! :) But just so you don't get too jealous:

Thursday morning: I was making up the couch, which had served the night before as my bed. As I was pulling the top sheet off a BIG BUG that looked like a cockroach but a bit more reddish in color came crawling up the wall from behind the couch. Ben M was in the other room on the computer. I said (rather calmly I thought): Ben? Can you come here? - Really fast?! By this time the bug had scooted behind the mirror above the couch. I was the brave one to remove the mirror while Ben did the task of getting rid of the BIG BUG. Sarah stayed across the room. Smart woman!

This computer that belongs to this library has popped up that my time is almost up. So I will say adieu and I will see y'all next week!

Please excuse any spelling mistakes this post might have. :)


At 3:29 PM, Blogger Rebekah said...

Nasty bugsies!!! If I were you I would have not-so-calmly screached for Ben to "come kill this right now!"

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Rebekah said...

Glad you had such a lovely time--but real glad you're back again! =)

At 9:15 AM, Blogger sarah said...

Hey Anna, we have found two more "Palmetto Bugs" since you left - we need to get the pest company out here to spray again. If anyone has never seen these awful bugs: imagine VERY large reddish cockroach with wings - they look scarier than they really are. These bugs are much easier to kill than cockroaches. The one we saw yesterday was about the size of a mouse without the tail. One more very good reason to move north again: these things don't like the cold.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger sarah said...

Anna - I miss you so much! Didn't we have fun, though? Of course, it was much easier for me to get around this year since I wasn't about to deliver a baby!! I love you.

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Sarah I miss you all sooo much! I had loads of fun back there with you all! Also could you get me the brand of cider that you liked, and the brand of the stuff that B & B were drinking? ;)


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