The Rest of the Story
On Wednesday soon before I am leaving for the day, I put the picture that my dear bro Mark sent me as a background on my computer at work. On my way out I told him to look.I am still kicking myself that no one got to see his reaction to the picture.
Thursday was my day off. Friday morning I meet him in front of the store just as we're about to go in and start the day. After 'good mornings' are exchanged, He says: "So Anna, why did you let me believe that you have an ex-boyfriend who is black??? I am hurt that you would do such a thing..." and on, and on it went.
I finally got a little tired of it and responded with this: "Andres, I am offended that you would be hurt by this. My doing this kind of thing is proof that I like you and that I love working here! I am very much offended!!"
Andres: "Do you know what you have done? Now everything you say will go through the filter of 'is she telling the truth?'.
A couple days later.
Me: Andres, you know when you said that everything that I said would go through a filter? Well I've been doing that with everything you say ever since I met you!
Andres: Good! You better keep doing it! :)
When I tried to talk about the different things that had been discussed, he interrupted me with: "I don't want to talk about it." Hand poised toward me as if to ward off my words. Oh well. It really wouldn't be very complimentary to him.