Car troubles
I need a new car.
My car is dying. CV joints need replacing and the transmition is going out. Anyone want to buy a fix'r'up car?
So what do you think? Do you see me in a truck, car, SUV, etc...?
Hi everyone
Just a note to let ya'll know that I'm still alive and kickin'.
My life has slowed down since the play is finished. But have no fear it will pickup again! I am watching the theatre's website for the next play and I have ice-skating testing coming up. This is only testing no program so it will be very boring to watch.
The Lynden Choral Society's spring performance is coming up this weekend though. We shall be performing pieces from Handel's "The Messiah", Mendelssohn's "Elijah", & Beethoven's "Hallelujah". It should be a fabulous program. E-mail me or Beka, or Mark for specs on how to get there and times.