Hi everyone
Just a note to let ya'll know that I'm still alive and kickin'.My life has slowed down since the play is finished. But have no fear it will pickup again! I am watching the theatre's website for the next play and I have ice-skating testing coming up. This is only testing no program so it will be very boring to watch.
The Lynden Choral Society's spring performance is coming up this weekend though. We shall be performing pieces from Handel's "The Messiah", Mendelssohn's "Elijah", & Beethoven's "Hallelujah". It should be a fabulous program. E-mail me or Beka, or Mark for specs on how to get there and times.
whoo hooo...hey anna! Good to see you again! Funny, I still don't know whether I'll be singing or watching again.
Nice to hear from you again Anna. By now Mark knows the answer to his question and I encurage everyone to come and hear the concerts on either Friday evening @7 or Sunday afternoon @3. First CRC in Lynden of course!
Good to hear from you again Anna. If you get into another play tell me and I will come and see you.
Are you considering being in the next musical that Leah directs? Mandy Holden and I are dying to learn what it will be!!
Fear not, dear sister! One day I shall return to lift my voice once again among the voices of my family and friends! Until then, I guess I'll have to settle with mostly solos. Boring. ;-)
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