My Own French Maid (A Tribute To My Little Sis)
You all didn't know that 'Girl Friday' has a french maid now did you! She comes in the form of my younger sister Beka! Never could I have a more convenient person in my entourage! She advises my on the arrangement of my hair, the use of cosmetics and perfume, what to wear to specific events, which shoes to put with the outfit, what ear-rings, etc... What does it cost to keep such wonderful help you ask? Not a cent! Her salary is the privilege of sometimes borrowing articles of my clothing, or jewelry when she wishes to. It is a very agreeable arrangement on both sides.
This past vacation I was without my wonderful helper and
almost got to be quite independent. But now that I am back... Just last night I had a hair session with my 'french maid' and she quite spoiled me! I missed the pleasure while I was on vacation.
For those of you who don't know about my hair, let me explain a bit. When I was born I didn't have any hair. Well how many babies have a full head of hair when they are born? But you see, it didn't look like I had any hair until after I had passed my 2nd birthday! Yeah, pretty scary! It didn't help of course that my hair came in a very light blond color before it darkened. Before I was old enough to do my hair it was cut in a 'page-boy' style. When I took control of it I liked it as long as I could get it. I think I was making up for how little hair I had in my early years.
My younger sister was the first one to convince me to 'do' something with my hair other than trimming it every 6-12 months. (Yes I did get a perm about 4 yrs ago and all I can plead is temporary insanity because I didn't know how to take care of it, and got the wrong kind!) Always I have enjoyed people doing my hair. I think Beka got tired of the monotony of my hair, especially when she would do it! She is the one who helped me get passed the gut-clenching worry of "what if they cut it too short".
How did I get stuck on hair? There are many things I could say about my little sister, and not all of them are about my referring to her as a french maid. :) She is a very godly, conscientious young lady with whom I share a room, and my life! I love you girl!!
So when started writing this post, it was a humorous story about the way I enjoy my 'french maid'. As I kept writing, I had to give credit where credit was due!
Home again!
I am home! After an absolutely wonderful vacation it is back to the old grind at work! But throughout today I seemed to be running on a "high" leftover from my time off. Even right now at 9:25 WA time, when I should be dropping with fatigue, I feel refreshed! Yes, I am tired though, and shall work myself to my bed very soon.
BTW: In case anyone didn't notice I have corrected any spelling mistakes that I made on my last post, and I hope that not too many people noticed them!! :)
South Carolina!
SC is absolutely gorgeous in April!! All of the dogwood trees are blooming and the weather is not so hot that you can't enjoy it. The weather has mostly been co-operating but there was a MAJOR thunderstorm yesterday. Sarah and I were driving home from Wal-mart, well...trying to race the storm home, when it started raining - hard. Visibility went from clear, to 'turn the headlights and windshield wipers on' in about 10 seconds! It was thunder and lightning, and then it started to hail.
Sarah called Ben (husband not bro.) to let him know that we were on our way. She was on the cel-phone when lightning struck it seamed right on top of the car! Something must have blown because she lost the phone connection. Sarah had not put the umbrella in the car before we left (not that we would have used it anyway) so we got a soaking on our way into the house. It was really awesome! A bit later we found out that the storm had also fried Ben's computer modem.
We did survive this though and we all stayed up till about 11:30 playing Rook. Actually we played a couple of games because Ben and Ben decided we needed to start over. Their score was one of them barely over 100 the other was barely out of the red! Sarah and I were both over 700. The new game didn't make much difference though, when we quit for the night they weren't to far from the hole and Sarah quite a ways in the lead!
Sarah and I did get to shop at the not too far away out-let mall. We were there for about 4 hours! We had the kiddies with us and had allot of fun!
BTW: I am writing this to make y'all jealous especially my little sister! :) But just so you don't get too jealous:
Thursday morning: I was making up the couch, which had served the night before as my bed. As I was pulling the top sheet off a BIG BUG that looked like a cockroach but a bit more reddish in color came crawling up the wall from behind the couch. Ben M was in the other room on the computer. I said (rather calmly I thought): Ben? Can you come here? - Really fast?! By this time the bug had scooted behind the mirror above the couch. I was the brave one to remove the mirror while Ben did the task of getting rid of the BIG BUG. Sarah stayed across the room. Smart woman!
This computer that belongs to this library has popped up that my time is almost up. So I will say adieu and I will see y'all next week!
Please excuse any spelling mistakes this post might have. :)