The Poetry of "The Peace of Wild Things" Vol. 1
These are the first three songs of the work that we are doing in Carnegie. There are nine in all. Personally I really don't care for them. They have their redeeming qualities which is mostly in the actually music and the picture painting that the notes themselves to.
IF (among) by e.e. cummings
if (amongsilent skiesbluer than believing) alittle gayearth openingis all the flowers of his eyes:april's theythis if nowor this (youngtrembling any) into flametwig or limbexplodes and oeach living ablaze greenly thing;may has comelove (by yesevery newbird no bigger than to sing)leaf is wingand tree is voicemost leastfully than i am you,we are spring"The Peace of Wild Things" by Wendell Berry
When despair for the world grows in meand I wake in the night at the least soundin fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,I go and lie down where the wood drakerests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.I come into the peace of wild thingswho do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.I come into the presence of still water.And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light.For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free."A Song Sparrow Singing in the Fall" by Wendell Berry
Somehow it has all added up to song--earth, air, rain and light,the labor and the heat,the mortality of the young.I will go free of other singing, I will gointo the silence of my songs, to hear this song clearly.BTW: I can't really make sense of the poetry. But it is modern and apparently you are supposed to find your own interpretation.
Labels: Carnegie
Random Thoughts on a Valentines Night
How long can caffeine last in the system?
For me...a bit over 2 days. So if I have any it's: 'LOOK OUT WORLD, I'M ON A ROLL!!!'
As I'm coming off of it I inevitably get a migraine and then it's: 'i'm fading from this world and entering the shadow lands, i will soon be a wraith.
Last Sunday morning I had some caffeinated tea in the morning. Tuesday night at choir practice I was helpless before the onslaught of pain in the right side of my brain. Stuck without any hope of relief, I was forced to endure a new soprano behind me - on the right side. She has a very piercing voice and is young still in her thinking that she has to sing louder than everyone. I didn't even have a Tylenol!
I did survive, but just barely.
To counter that:
On the way home from work today I had to pick something up for Rachel in Carmel Valley. Today the weather was absolutely gorgeous! The sun was out, the sky blue with just a scattering of fluffy white clouds here and there, and a nice cool breeze from the ocean that was positively fabulous! (This is late spring-early summer weather for WA) The hills here are just becoming green. They are no longer a dull brownish/tan. They have come alive with color! Forty Shades of Green runs through my head when I see them.
On the drive east down Carmel Valley, I passed vineyards, golf courses, a park, ranchos...passing one ranch I even saw a "cowboy" moving about 8 head of cattle in front of him down a trail. Then another road north to get home. Up and over the hill into the Salinas valley. I would love to take that drive again in a convertible. With someone with me of course so that we can exclaim over the view and the wonders of God's incredible creation. Today I almost wished I had a camera, but that would almost spoil it somehow.
Last thought:
Just wondering if "the group" went out for dessert at Anthony's for Valentines Day? I missed you all this year. I got to make dinner for Sis and Bro, and 3 little ones. Which reminds me, I need to get some pics of the older ones on here. I'll have to do that soon.
The Burdens of Being a Pianist

The implements of destruction!
It's enough to break your heart! :(
My uncle wants me to play a couple of pieces with cuz Elizabeth for the special numbers in the middle of our bell choir concert. And right after I had finally grown them out nicely after my Thanksgiving concert!
Labels: Fun pics
Isn't he adorable!
My little nephew Timothy David. Or as his daddy likes to call him: Sweet T.

That is a sucker in his hand.

Both of us.

Chillin' out.

My Favorite
Labels: Fun pics