My X
Some of you did't know that I have an X now did you. Quite a few of you though are aware of his existence. Here is the story of someone who did not know about him and how I made him aware of the fact.After planning to pull one over on my boss it took a full week for an opening in his questioning for me to start the subterfuge.
Conversation with my boss on the morning at work as we are setting up the store.
Andres: So Anna, do you miss people in WA?
Me: Yes. My mom, Mark, Beka, Ben, and Kylee.
Andres: Who's Kylee?
Me: She's my niece. And I miss my X.
Andres: Your X what? (shocked look on his face)
Me: My X.
What follows is a two-week saga of my fielding questions about my "X"
A: When did you break-up?
M: Pretty much when I moved down here. (that got him theatrically clutching his heart in sympathy)
A: How old is he?
M: I'm not sure. I think he might be younger. He's around the house a lot. The whole family likes him. Well except for one of my brothers.
A: Well that's pretty normal.
M: We would go for walks together. Especially when I was upset and he would calm me down.
Kim: Andres, I found out something about Anna's X. He's black.
A: Really! So Anna, do you think that different backgrounds and different nationalities can work in a relationship?
M: Yes.
A: What kind of job does he have?
M: He is in the exterminating business.
A: Is he able to support a family?
M: I'm not sure.
A: That is very important and it is something you should know about anyone who is interested in you. If he does not have the means to support a family then he has no business in starting a relationship someone. (This answer is probably paraphrased because it has been a while since we had this discussion.)
A: I am hurt that you could work here for so long and you have not told me about him!
Kim: Me too!
M: Well I did mention him but with a different name.
A: You haven't heard from him since you moved down here.
M: No. He doesn't write letters, and has no e-mail address.
A: And what about the telephone?!
M: He doesn't like telephones.
A: What's his name?
M: Nope. Not telling. I'll have my brother take a picture and e-mail it to me.
The picture of my X that my brother sent. I guess he couldn't get a better one.

For those of you who don't know, My cat's name is Exnihlio, which is Latin for 'out of nothing'. He just showed up one day and we don't know where he came from. I call him my Ex. Throughout all of the above answers you will find absolutely no lies. I made a point of that. After the first day I started to feel bad about the whole thing. But I told his wife about what I was doing and she told me to drag it out as long as I could! Andres was the only one who did not know who my "X" was. My co-workers Kim and Juan Jose were in on it as well as a couple other ladies in our church. Everyone I told about it were encouraging me keep going or I might not have kept it going for so long. The only one who was questioned my doing it was Mark. Mark you must not know Andres as well as the people down here.
The next post will have Andres response and our discussion as a result.
You're coming tomorrow! YeeeeeeeHAH! I can't wait to see you Anna-dear. Have a good flight.
Yeah! Really looking forward to seeing you, Anna!! Bringing your skates also...perhaps there is a little time on Friday morning when you could go skating?:)
I'm on Southwest and my flight lands at 10:45 Lord willing.
I don't think I will get much sleep tonight. I am too excited!!!
I want to hear how Andres responded--don't stop writing just because you're coming home for the weekend. :)
That was a very funny account, your sense of humor!! :)
Oh yes totally continue the story its really quite funny.
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