An evening with the Thompsons!
Anna: Scary thought I know! But they seem to fit right in with us. Right now there are 5 of us around the computer listening to music - new and old. New and old music not people that is! :)
Emily: We are listening to 3 guys sing in our ears, love songs no less...however, they are all our we haven't the heart to tell them what it really sounds like.
Anna: Actually there is pretty much only one guy singing. Some Keith Whitley etc...
Emily: The Reimers and Neffs are all kinda crazy, but you know, when you just keep spending Thanksgivings with them, you start to pick up on their habits. One uncle asked me if I want to eat the turkey tail. Weird!
Anna: Emily, the turkey tail is edible. But regarding crazy people, it takes one to know one.
Emily: Don't resort to insults when you don't have anything left to say!
Anna: Have you ever known me to be speachless before! Talk about insults! Who started the name calling. BTW: she just called me a dork! Isn't that rude to call someone by such a name in their own house! Really shocking manners. Now she is making fun of my spelling. Are there any mistakes as of yet??? The difference is that she types fast and corrects everything after-sometimes that is. I on the other hand correct as I go along.
Emily: My my, aren't we defensive... Must I send out a formal apology to the entire Reimers/Neff clan? Don't hold your breath ;)
My X
Some of you did't know that I have an X now did you. Quite a few of you though are aware of his existence. Here is the story of someone who did not know about him and how I made him aware of the fact.
After planning to pull one over on my boss it took a full week for an opening in his questioning for me to start the subterfuge.
Conversation with my boss on
the morning at work as we are setting up the store.
Andres: So Anna, do you miss people in WA?
Me: Yes. My mom, Mark, Beka, Ben, and Kylee.
Andres: Who's Kylee?
Me: She's my niece. And I miss my X.
Andres: Your X what? (shocked look on his face)
Me: My X.
What follows is a two-week saga of my fielding questions about my "X"
A: When did you break-up?
M: Pretty much when I moved down here. (that got him theatrically clutching his heart in sympathy)
A: How old is he?
M: I'm not sure. I think he might be younger. He's around the house a lot. The whole family likes him. Well except for one of my brothers.
A: Well that's pretty normal.
M: We would go for walks together. Especially when I was upset and he would calm me down.
Kim: Andres, I found out something about Anna's X. He's black.
A: Really! So Anna, do you think that different backgrounds and different nationalities can work in a relationship?
M: Yes.
A: What kind of job does he have?
M: He is in the exterminating business.
A: Is he able to support a family?
M: I'm not sure.
A: That is very important and it is something you should know about anyone who is interested in you. If he does not have the means to support a family then he has no business in starting a relationship someone. (This answer is probably paraphrased because it has been a while since we had this discussion.)
A: I am hurt that you could work here for so long and you have not told me about him!
Kim: Me too!
M: Well I did mention him but with a different name.
A: You haven't heard from him since you moved down here.
M: No. He doesn't write letters, and has no e-mail address.
A: And what about the telephone?!
M: He doesn't like telephones.
A: What's his name?
M: Nope. Not telling. I'll have my brother take a picture and e-mail it to me.
The picture of my X that my brother sent. I guess he couldn't get a better one.

For those of you who don't know, My cat's name is Exnihlio, which is Latin for 'out of nothing'. He just showed up one day and we don't know where he came from. I call him my Ex. Throughout all of the above answers you will find absolutely no lies. I made a point of that. After the first day I started to feel bad about the whole thing. But I told his wife about what I was doing and she told me to drag it out as long as I could! Andres was the only one who did not know who my "X" was. My co-workers Kim and Juan Jose were in on it as well as a couple other ladies in our church. Everyone I told about it were encouraging me keep going or I might not have kept it going for so long. The only one who was questioned my doing it was Mark. Mark you must not know Andres as well as the people down here.
The next post will have Andres response and our discussion as a result.
First day back at work
When I woke up this morning I didn't know if I would have to go to work today or tomorrow. So I called my co-worker Juan.
Juan: Hola?
Me: Juan Jo?
Juan: Si.
Me: Ok Juan Jo this is Anna so you'll have to talk in English! :)
Yup, I did have to work. I did one of my 'get ready in 10 min'. I am in front of the store at 9:35. (Supposed to be 9:30) No one there. That's ok I'm used to it. Juan shows up at 9:45 (his normal time) and we start the day.
I am almost done setting up one of the cases when Juan comes up from the back and asks: "Are you done?" Almost. "Well you get to put it all back - they're not opening the store today." Arrg! This is ok - life is still good. The sun is shining and there is no rain on the forecast as of yet.
There is still much to do at the store. I got to clean all morning. Change the answering machine so people don't think we are supposed to be open today. I also got to go to the-
Post Office.
Everything was pretty normal except on my way out there was an old gentleman sitting on one of the benches inside. He says, "Hey young lady, thank you for wearing a dress. You look really nice. It used to be in my day that all of the ladies wore dresses. I was born in 1920. Grace Kelly wore a really nice one every time she went to visit her son. All really beautiful women wear them. I think they're making a come-back though, they're even in Walmart."
Something like that. I was standing next to the door so I wasn't able to hear extremely well from the car noise outside. He was very sweet though and he helped make my day!!!
A homey sight
Four year-old Mary, is sitting on the counter watching mommy make pancakes for breakfast.
Mary: "Mommy?"
Rachel: "What Mary?"
Mary: "Mommy, I just, I, I, I just got a, I just smashed a fly, I just grabbed it out of the air and squished it."
Rachel: "I hope it was a small one."
Mary: "Ya, Ya it was."
Rachel: "That's good or it would be yucky!"
Mary: "Oh, I just, I just dropped it on the floor."
Rachel: "Oh good so we get to step on it!" (Rachel is barefoot)
Mary: "It, it just, it just went under the kitchen cabinets."
My siblings will probably know about Mary's way of go, stop, go, stop, go, way of talking. :) As if she is still figuring out what to say- as she is saying it. And then halfway through she realizes a better way to say it and starts over.
I am soon to be back to work. 2 1/2 weeks of vacation is ok if you have something to do or somewhere to go besides school that is. So I'll be glad to be back to work.
Some of my life
My life revolves around a triangle.
that kind to triangle. I mean that at one point of the triangle there is work, at another college, at the last Home. All separated by an approximately. 45 min. drive. Depending of course on the time of day as there is rush-hour times down here. (No, it isn't caused by a tractor; just a lot of people trying to get somewhere)In consequence I do a lot of driving and I am now of the opinion that I would have no problems driving long hall. (My mother might have a problem with that though) I am 1 car in a sea of CA license plates. Though every now and then there is a different plate of someone vacationing-especially around Carmel. Ya'll should have seen the smile on my face when I saw a British Columbia plate! I almost waved at them! But quickly decided that since I now have a CA plate myself, they would have no clue as to who that idiot was waving and smiling like she just found a long lost friend!